
Profesorii cumpara materiale din banii lor. Cum e la noi si cum e la altii

Intentia mea a fost aceea de a scrie un articol bine documentat, comparativ. Nu mi-a iesit, deoarece nu am gasit sursele de informatii necesare potrivite viziunii mele privind finantarea scolilor din Romania. Am lasat-o balta cu datele precise, probabil ca stiti si voi, in mare, cum stau lucrurile. Am gasit AICI un articol despre cum e finantat invatamantul, cum sunt impartite cheltuielile. Pe altceva vreau sa pun insa accentul: cum e la noi si cum e la altii. Concret: cat scoate din buzunarul propriu un cadru didactic din Romania pentru materiale pe care le foloseste la clasa si cat cheltuiesc  profesorii din strainatate.




Nu e despre capra vecinului

Ideea acestui articol nu e de a arata cu degetul, de a gasi vinovati, de a vedea daca e mai bine la vecinul. Stiu ca aceasta e tendinta cand e vorba despre bani si despre scoala in general. Ideea e de a gasi solutii. Daca ele nu vin de acolo de unde ar trebui, atunci se poate cauta in alta parte.

Ce cumpara profesorii din Romania?

Despre partea romaneasca iar nu va spun multe, fiecare dintre voi stiti ce salariu aveti si ce faceti cu el. Sunt multe cadre didactice, educatori, invatatori, profesori, care sustin ca platesc din banii lor materiale consumabile in scoala, rechizite pentru copii. Nu am o suma, dar imi pare ca la invatamantul prescolar si la cel primar se cheltuieste mai mult. Aveti voi niste exemple? Va invit sa lasati un comentariu.

Ideea e ca anul acesta costul per elev, per an, in Romania este aproximativ de 4400 ron si dupa cum am inteles din ce am citit pe internet banii acestia acopera salarizarea profesorilor, cursurile lor, specializari. Daca e altfel, va rog sa adaugati informatii.

Am intrebat pe grupul de Facebook EmaLaScoala dar si in alte grupuri (mai astept raspunsuri): Ce cumpara profesorii romani din banii lor. Iata: hartie de imprimanta, hartie colorata, carton, lipici, articole de curatenie, materiale pentru orele de abilitati manuale. Unii cheltuiesc 10 – 20 ron / luna, altii 50 – 100 ron / luna. La inceput de an, a spus cineva, se cheltuieste mai mult, probabil cu decorarea clasei: 300 ron. La o inspectie: 200 – 250 ron. Una dintre colege spune ca aloca, lunar intre 100 si 300 ron / luna si e placerea sa, nu o obliga nimeni sa cheltuiasca suma aceasta. In Moldova o scoala primeste 2000 ron pe luna pentru materiale.

Prima zi de scoala din clasa a doua


Cum e la altii?

I-am intrebat pe colegii din strainatate cum e la ei, daca scoala primeste bani pentru materiale si rechizite si daca ei cumpara ceva din banii lor. Intamplarea face ca grupurile de profesori in care am postat sa fie in majoritate din Statele Unite. Voi incerca sa aflu informatii si de la cei ce lucreaza in Europa. Daca esti chiar tu un profesor din Spania, Italia, Germania, Belgia, Ungaria sau alta tara europeana, te invit sa lasi un comentariu.

  • Invatamantul e peste tot la fel, problemele sunt aceleasi. Ceea ce imi place este ca multi profesori din strainatate incearca sa obtina bani din activitati de fundrasing.

In Statele Unite fiecare stat are regulile sale, fiecare district are regulile sale. Si scolile functioneaza diferit. Unii primesc bani pentru materiale si consumabile, altii nu prea. Cei mai multi primesc in jur de 3,5 – 4,00 dolari / an / elev, iar din acesti bani se cumpara rechizite, hartie, lipici, acuarele. Sunt si scoli care nu primesc bani si invatatorii au spus ca suporta din buzunarul propriu aceste cheltuieli. Unii cumpara chiar si gustarea copiilor. Nu am inteles daca peste tot suma e dedusa de la taxe, dar in unele state mi s-a confirmat ca asa e: 200 dolari pe an sunt dedusi si suma trebuie justificata cu chitante. Unii nu pot cumpara ce vor ei, exista magazine speciale de unde se cumpara. Salariul unui invatator depinde de statul in care e si poate fi intre 35000 si 100000 dolari / an, insa trebuie avute in vedere si preturile din acea zona.

Nu am tradus spusele lor, dar daca nu intelegeti ceva va rog sa imi spuneti. Cititi tot, totul e foarte interesant. Foarte multi colegi mi-au raspuns si am incercat sa pun pareri care sa va inspire.

Se cumpara consumabile, carti si gustari

-I live in California, USA and I spend money every year. It is different for each state and district in that state. It also depends on what you’re paying for. If it is paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, or stuff like that, then I have a classroom budget of $250 dollars from my school. If I need more I pay for it. Textbooks are provided. If want to give rewards to my kids or do a special activity with them, then I pay for it. I also paid for my classroom library. If we go on an educational field trip, we have to raise money through out parent/teacher organization. I spend between $800-$1000 a year.

-I teach in NY. My district gives us $125/year to buy supplies (per classroom). We have to go through a website and can only buy from the suppliers that the district approves. I always spend my own money and supplies that I need throughout the year.

-I live in Texas. We get no spending money. We are able to ask for a few supplies, like staples and paperclips, but we have to fill out a form and “order” them from the school secretary. We pay for all other materials. We buy our own supplemental resources, craft materials, and classroom library books. I spend over 300 a year on classroom decorations, posters, extra resources, science activities, crafts, etc. I just have to go buy everything myself and with my own money. All the school has supplied me with this year is colored printer paper that I’ve had to request each time.


Programe de fundrasing si donatii

-I live in Tennessee and we get 200 dollars to spend on our classroom and I still spend out of pocket on books for my personal classroom library pencils paper crayons etc pencil sharpeners staplers and so on. I also spend my own money for resources to help teach a concept better.

-I get $150 for supplies plus 2 cases of paper from my school. I don’t have Reading and math textbooks at this time so I have to buy 2 additional cases of paper with that money. The state of Florida gives teachers additional money in September. Last year we got $300, which is the best yet. We still spend money out of pocket, like for food items or rewards.

-Waterford, Michigan: we send a supply list to the parents for what their child will need and they buy the supplies. We also have supplies available from the school. It is rare that we have to buy day to day supplies. The PTO gives us $100 to spend, as well. I still end up buying special items for work, like marshmallows and toothpicks to make 3D shapes… I only spend about $100 out of pocket a year. Parents pay for field trips.

– I am at a charter in Arizona, we get 4 cases of paper. Parents are supposed to provide everything else. The school gave us each a $25 gift card to purchase for the children who show up with no supplies, but let me tell you so many show up with nothing and if they enroll after the start of the year, they never bring a thing. I spend a lot.

-We get some funds from the school, but not a lot. Our school also gets donated items through programs bar help support Title 1/ low income schools. I still purchase some things for my room, but basics are covered. Pencils, paper, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, colored pencils, crayons, and folders. Many of these are also donated through programs like I mentioned before. My kids also buy some supplies like headphones for technology and composition notebooks if they want one that isn’t plain black and white. Most use the “free” donated ones happily.

-Last year I had to buy almost everything! My students came with no supplies (very poor area) I bought all their supplies out of pocket. I had to buy copy paper. Our admin limited copies in November and I had to go to my mom’s office to make copies. We had snack and I had to purchase all of the snacks as most kids did not have anything. I also made snack bags daily for some who had no food at home. I bought my own toilet paper, trash bags, and paper towels. I walked into an empty classroom. I was given $75 for the year. That was mostly spent on ink, office supplies, and so forth.

Consumabilele sunt o problema in toate scolile

-Our school gives $250 and the state gives $275. Every single supply has to come out of the money, including ink for printers and xerox paper. I teach in a Title One district so our families don’t always send supplies, so I have to purchase those supplies out of the money given. I still spend about $500/year out of my own pocket to provide for activities and experiences for the children. I teach kindergarten.

-When I worked in a private school in California, the school only provided the basic curriculum, paper for copying things, and art supplies like pencils, paint, craft paper, and a small amount of office supplies. The parents had to provide some things like scissors, crayons, pencils… I also went to garage sales to help with things like extra reading books, building type of toys (I taught kindergarten), or extra pieces of furniture. Now in public school, many things are provided, we are given a budget ($300 from my school and $300 from union bargaining) to buy things we need such as all the paper, art supplies, office supplies, even if we want to buy things from the teacher supply store! However, when it’s spent, we must buy things on our own. I often spend up to a thousand dollars or more a year. Things to make my classroom look nice (baskets and small bins to organize, storage bins, wall things) or things that I need like dry erase boards, tpt supplemental resources, hands on science things like magnets, butterfly hatching sets, and books to go with my theme … so much more I can’t even list them all.

-I am a kindergarten teacher in Missouri. I have a great deal of respect for your teaching in Romania. I was there in 1994. I saw the capital where it was a busy city and the villages in Oradea in the mountains. I spent money on my classroom as I believe all teachers do. We all have a huge heart for our job. I have a supportive principal that will get us things we need as he can with the budget he has. But I know the budgets here are larger than the budgets there. My only weekly expense is for snack time. I buy cookie and cheezets for my class. I don’t have too, the parents would jump in if help, but the kids like it that I do something special for them. I do pay for a monthly colored printer program to have colored ink on cards, name tags, posters. It’s very reasonable at $10 a month. The school gives us $200 a year. I spent that on let’s find out magazines for my students, and extra supplies like smelly markers.


Profesorii de arta

Pentru ca in State orele de arta sunt predate de profesori, acestia primesc si ei fonduri pentru materiale. Sumele sunt calculate per elev, per an. Ei obtin insa bani si prin actiuni de fundrasing. Au un site, Artsonia (cercetati siteul, e international, poate functioneaza si in Romania), unde incarca lucrarile elevilor, iar parintii le pot cumpara de acolo diferite obiecte cu desenul respectiv: cani, tricouri, calendare. O parte din banii de acolo se intorc la scoala. Exista si un tip de magazin care strange donatii si profesorii au dreptul ca de cateva ori pe an sa ia lucruri gratis de acolo.

-I teach in Arlington, Virginia, and for 735 kids we get about $6,000 a year for supplies… We have 3 art teachers at the school, one works part time.

-I teach in TN. For art, in my county, teachers with around 500 students get $1800 a year for supplies. Classroom teachers only get $200 a year for supplies. Many teachers spend their own money for supplies and student needs.

-That’s crazy! I’m in NJ and they’ve never given me a budget but I spend about $1800-2k for 650 kids.

-I teach in south Carolina and I receive $1500 from the school district for consumables 530 students (used to have 600 but numbers went down). We get $275 from the state for our soap, tissues and any other supplies we need. Still, I spend personal money on posters, supplies, organization containers, border, etc. Our school concentrates on classroom environment. We are expected to have placemats, lamps, flowers/ plants, carpets, pillows, rest areas, books and home things but receive no budget for it.

-My husband and I both teach elementary art. He gets $2 per student per year and I get $6 per student per year. We both have more than 500 students. At my school, parents donate baby wipes, Sharpie permanent markers, pencils and glue sticks so I don’t need to buy those. I have taught at schools with $1 per student budget and $20 per student.

Bani din fundrasing si alte activitati

Fundrasing – At my school we have several Friday nights where the kids stay from 4-7:00 to do 4 different art projects. We feed them dinner- usually pizza, except on Cinco de Mayo, and we have tacos in a bag. The parents pay $10 per kid. After expenses we usually raise $700 per night. The money goes to art supplies for all teachers in the school, as everyone has to volunteer to participate. The art teacher has her own budget for the year too.

-700 kids with a budget of $1000 maybe a bit more because the school charges a small fee to each family to help supplement the budget. I also use Artsonia but not much $ there. I spent a lot of my own money because I can only use that budget at approved vendors and sometimes they don’t have specific things I need for a lesson and they usually charge more for a lot of things.

-Alberta, Canada – classroom teacher budget $200. But we have a really good photo copy and print services allotment. I spend out of pocket because it makes my life easier and offers more options as to what is done in class.

-Crayons 2 Computers in Cincinnati. I can fill a cart 10x a year with supplies they have via donations. Also 2x a year is ZerolandfillCincy where you can get free donated items from architects, designers, manufacturers.


In Anglia

Am si doua raspunsuri din Anglia, nu pot sa nu va scriu despre cum e acolo. Si profesorii de aici cumpara materiale. Parintii sunt implicati in comitetul de parinti, acest comitet strange fonduri si organizeaza actiuni si hotaraste, impreuna cu cadrele didactice, cum se cheltuiesc banii. La scoala primara spre exemplu, copiii/parinți nu cumpără decât uniforma, echipamentul de sport și geanta (care sunt toate personalizate cu emblema școlii), nu cumpara si rechizite. Nu sunt manuale si este obligația profesorului să creeze, adapteze, personalizeze materialul didactic necesar. Școala are biblioteci digitale cu resurse pe diferite teme de referință si biblioteci vaste cu cărți de lectură pe diferite niveluri pe baza cărora copiii învață să citească.

In Scotia profesorii au gratis acces la foarte multe materiale, nu prea e necesar sa cumpere nimic in plus. Exista un buget pentru fiecare departament si din banii acestia se cumpara rechizite si alte materiale, iar daca la sfarsitul anului scolar raman bani, acestia se impart iarasi.

In Franta

Parintii cumpara la inceput de an rechizitele. E o goana nebuna. Scolile dau, la sfarsit de an, lista cu rechizite, parintii se descurca. E cam ca in Romania. In functie de scoli, de stat sau internationale (acestea internationale nu sunt private dar au alta finantare), copiii mai primesc la scoala, uneori, niste caiete speciale. Cei cu venituri foarte mici primesc ajutor. Unele clase, cum e clasa de engleza, decide daca mai cere parintilor, la inceput de an, o suma pentru materiale: 25 euro. Parintii nu cumpara alte consumabile pentru scoala si nici articole de curatenie. Profesorii platesc din buzunarul lor materiale extra: anumite tipuri de foi, carioci pentru tabla.

Te invit sa lasi un comentariu cu experienta ta.

Va multumesc tuturor pentru raspunsuri.

Alte articole pe blog: Un invatator pentru 5 ani? , Plan de organizare a clasei.


4 thoughts on “Profesorii cumpara materiale din banii lor. Cum e la noi si cum e la altii”

  1. Ema, se cheltuiește, însă uneori nu se cheltuiește deloc cu cap!
    Să iau, de exemplu, începutul de an școlar, unde clasele sunt împopoțonate cu fel de fel de decorațiuni. Să fim serioși, că nu ne trebuie atâtea. Apoi, le mai și plastifiază. Șoricei și toate minunile… pentru? Că, dacă de la an la an pui mereu și mereu același decor… o iei razna. Cel puțin aici poți aștepta nițel și faci ceva cu copiii, decupează ei, vor aprecia de o mie de ori mai mult decorul dacă e al lor. Îi poți provoca, să decoreze ei clasa. Nu vor fi perfecte, dar ce conteaza??
    Eu am cheltuit de la mine doar pentru materialele didactice de pe pereți. Mi le-am făcut eu, le-am printat pe banii mei. Îmi mai scapă și mie printre degete sume mici, pe diverse accesorii pe care le folosesc cu copiii, dar mă străduiesc să mă abțin și să anunț din timp părinții să le cumpere. Am colaborat foarte bine cu comitetul de părinți și aș fi nedreaptă să mă vait.
    Am în clasă calculatorul meu (adus de mine), proiector luat de părinți și o imprimantă albnegru donată de altă mămică.
    La începutul anului au adus fiecare un top de hârtie (le-am cerut, dar nu au adus toti…), la comun am luat carton/hârtie colorată, tonner la imprimantă. Acuarele la litru, luate anul trecut din cei 400 lei strânși din vânzarea de felicitări cusute de copii. Tot din banii ăștia am mai luat lipici, tot la litru.
    Anul viitor am pregătitoare. Mă voi gândi din timp cum voi aborda problema. Învățământul este gratuit, însă nici eu nu sunt datoare să cumpăr orice am nevoie…

  2. Sunt educatoare, fiind inca la inceput, am avut de adunat muuulte planse pentru povesti/poezii, flash carduri pentru diferite teme , plus diferite materiale pentru activitati practice, folii de laminat, listat color saptamanal, carti in domeniu..anul asta mi-am facut niste calcule in mare si chletui intre 50 si 500 pe luna.

  3. Teachers spend so much of their own money on supplies. Fortunately, I work in a district where supply money is given each year but I also know teachers in other districts who get almost nothing and have to find another way to get the supplies they need. I can still remember years ago when I first started how much of my own money I had to spend to create the classroom I wanted. It is difficult.

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